Real HIPSTER™ Stories – Christine Cutting
For this week’s “Real HIPSTER™ Stories”, we spoke to Christine Cutting who lives in Gainesville Florida, with her husband and their two boys.

Now that you are mommy, if you could give go back in time and give one advice to your pregnant self, what would it be?
Life gets so much busier once the baby is born (and even busier when the next one arrives)! If I were to give some advice to pregnant me, it would be to take as many naps as possible. I was always so busy trying to get things done around the house that I missed out on tons of precious quiet time that is so rare these days!
Also, when you’re shopping at the store, enjoy browsing in silence.
How has motherhood changed you?
Motherhood has taught me to stop and appreciate the tiny little things that fascinate my boys everyday. Some parts of my life have definitely sped up (cleaning the whole house, doing laundry, and getting ready in the morning can all get done in under a half hour now), but noticing different patterns on leaves, splashing in water, collecting sticks, and stacking towers has definitely become more of a focus for me these days.
I also am quite proficient in identifying various dinosaur species and I can recognize most types of trucks, although I still have a lot to learn.
You got your HIPSTER™ PLUS carrier from our Kickstarter campaign. It’s not so conventional ordering a baby gear that hasn’t yet gone in production, what led you to hit the “pledge” button and how was your whole Kickstarter experience?
I am a totally new to Kickstarter. I had previously purchased the original MiaMily HIPSTER™ through Amazon. Although I loved the original, there were a few changes that I really thought would make it so much better. When I heard that MiaMily was launching a new Kickstarter campaign, I realized that the new model addressed every concern I had with the original, so I backed it. I don’t regret it. Of course, being an Amazon Prime fanatic and being accustomed to 2 day shipping, waiting so long to receive something wasn’t easy for me at first. I’m glad I waited, though; receiving the product and loving it as much as I do made all the anticipation totally worth it.
What feature do you like the most about the HIPSTER™ baby carrier and how has it made your daily life easier?
I own an ErgoBaby and a Baby K’Tan carrier, and have tried a lot of different types of carriers on the market these days. To me, the HIPSTER™ stands out from the rest of the carriers because of its seat base, which allows me to use it for both of my boys, and allows me to carry them in so many different ways. They have their own preferences which change throughout the day, so the HIPSTER™’s versatility really comes in handy. The amount of storage space that the HIPSTER™ Plus offers is also a huge bonus, so I don’t have to carry additional bags when we go to the store.
When do you use the HIPSTER™ PLUS carrier the most and how do you use it?
I use the HIPSTER™ Plus all day, in and out of the house, with just the hip seat or with the double shoulder strap, with every chance that I get! I should also mention that I nanny an 8 month old boy during the week, so without the HIPSTER™, my hands are (literally) full! I love being able to use it when he or Ben (or Fox) is fussy or just wanting to be carried, while still being able to do a billion other things at the same time! It’s always with me when I leave the house as well. I was even able to browse in silence while shopping recently, so two hands-free thumbs up!